What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder used to be known as manic depressive disorder or manic depression. It's a serious mental illness, one that can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships and careers, and even suicidal tendencies if it's not treated.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme changes in mood, from manila to depression. Between these mood episodes, a person with bipolar disorder may experience normal moods.

"Manic"describes an increasingly restless, energetic, talkative, reckless, powerful, euphoric period. Lavish spending sprees or impulsive risky sex can occur. Then, at some point, this high-flying mood can spiral into something darker – irritation, confusion, anger, feeling trapped.

"Depression" describes the opposite mood – sadness, crying, sense of worthlessness, loss of energy, loss of pleasure, sleep problems.But because the pattern of highs and lows varies for each person, bipolar disorder is a complex disease to diagnose. For some people, mania or depression can last for weeks or months (and rarely, even years). For other people bipolar disorder takes the form of frequent and dramatic mood episodes and even psychotic episodes.

Bipolar symptoms can be hypomanic or less severe form of mania: such as increased energy, rapid thoughts, interests of grandiosity. These can develop into mania.

Pfeiffer approach
Evaluation and treatment at PMC does not require an official diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder.

Pfeiffer protocol is designed to address each individual as unique with specific signs and symptoms. At PMC, each patient will undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation by our physician which includes a complete clinical history, observation of behaviors, a brief physical exam and specific lab analysis.

Exact causes of bipolar disorder are uncertain and can be as individual as each person. We suspect symptoms may be caused by underlying imbalances such as overload or deficit of specific vitamins or minerals, or your body's inability to assimilate nutrients into a usable form due to a disruption in your body's metabolism cycle which creates neurotransmitters. Toxic exposure can affect your brain's ability to function as well. Food sensitivities and blood sugar swings are yet another cause for symptoms. If underlying medical problems, such as thyroid or infection or chronic illness is suspected, we will refer you to your personal MD to rule out these conditions. Our treatment is not "one size fit all' but rather individualized specific treatment for each patient which may include vitamins, minerals amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Patients with Bipolar disorder typically do well on our Pfeiffer protocol along with a low dose of traditional medication prescribed by their psychiatrist. This balance has proved effective for the majority of patients.